
Retour 27.01.2012

Internet+Mobiles = True information?

The seventh TechnoArk Conference will take place on 27 January 2012 at Sierre, and will examine the equation:

Internet+Mobiles = True information?

Today’s consumers have vast quantities of information at their fingertips via their mobile phones, and more than ever before, they rely on instant information in everyday life. But how can they check the accuracy of the information that they are offered? How can they distinguish between “good” and “bad” data? How can they trust the many different sources of data?

The reliability, accuracy and authenticity of data is a major new issue in information technology and mobile telephony.

For instance, consumers who care about their health regularly search for information about the food they eat or the medication they take. What can they do if the allergy warnings on these products are incorrect, incomplete, or out-of-date?

Users should be able to trust the information that they are offered, whilst also being discriminating and responsible. The opinion of other consumers is also an important assessment tool. Manufacturers nowadays have a duty to demonstrate the traceability of their manufacturing or supply chain to the end consumers of their products.

The conference will provide an overview of a few real-life situations and the opportunity to hear about some state-of-the-art applications that are just reaching the market, via presentations from selected startups about their very latest products and services.



Come and discover new solutions from players operating at the leading edge of the mobile Internet:

  • Prof. Federico Casalegno, MIT, Boston, Mobile Experience Lab Director.  Technology
    His new book at MIT Press « Research on Forms and Flows of Communication with Mobile Media».
  • Jan Horsager, Alexandra Institute, Aarhus, Denmark, Head of communication
    The new Internet of things comic book  and  a model for Innovation : the Alexandra Institute
  • Guy Weiss, AndVista Consulting, Genève,  Supply chain traceability expert
    Nature de la traçabilité, éthique et prérequis.
  • GS1 worldwide, Global Office, Brussels
    The new report “Beyond the label : providing Digital Information Consumers Can Trust”.
  • Prof. Laurent Sciboz, Instituts de recherche du TechnoArk
    De l’internet des objets vers les services, illustration de Print-To-Mobile
  • Philippe Cloux, Importexa, Lutry, Directeur
    Smartphones et  services mobiles, gestion de la traçabilité dans le domaine du Textile
  • Prof. Schumacher et David Werlen, Institut d’informatique HES-SO // Valais, Institut de recherche Icare
    Fairtrace, les technologies mobiles au service de la fiabilité des données, exemple d’un projet de recherche.
  • Bastien Sachet et Julien Troussier, The Forest Trust, swiss office, Crassier
    Chaines de traçabilité et mise en œuvre de la fiabilité des données à l’aide de services mobiles.
  • Renaud Francou, Fondation Internet nouvelle génération, FING, co-animateur de l "Expédition" Nouvelles approches de la Confiance numérique
    Lancement du projet européen MesInfos, axé sur le partage de données personnelles et les applications pour les usagers et les entreprises.
  • Henri Barthel, GS1 Global Office, Bruxelles, Technical Director EPCglobal
    L’internet des objets état des lieux en Europe, présentation de la nouvelle plateforme IOTStandards.org.



The day will be organised around presentations and discussions in the morning and demonstrations of innovative applications in the afternoon.

09:00 Welcome

09:30 Conference begins

13:00 Lunch for all participants, provided by TechnoArk

14:00 Conferences

16:00 Wrap-up

16:30 End of event, to be followed by a drinks reception.








A bus service is organized from the railway station to the Techno-Pôle:

Station->Techno-Pôle: from 8:30 am to 9 am
Techno-Pôle->Station: from 5 pm to 7 pm

For cars, please use the parking "Géronde".


Conference TechnoArk 2011





Liste des participants

Nom Prénom Companies
Fondation The Ark - Rue de l'Industrie 23 - 1950 Sion - Suisse | Réservation de salles