


Klewel, based in Martigny, offers lasting visibility for events on the basis of a totally innovative IT solution, which automatically records and indexes all the content (audio, video and slides) presented at conferences and events. Audio streams, video content and slide shows are stored in a synchronised manner. Klewel uses an indexing system to make the recorded conferences available to all via a user-friendly search engine comparable to those people are accustomed to using online.

This content can be consulted at any time via a website. Anyone who is interested can immediately find the information they are looking for, without having to view the whole presentation, simply by using key words.

Founded in 2007, Klewel has a large number of clients, including Unicef, Nestlé, EPFL and many more. The company opened an additional branch in France in 2009. As an aside, it is interesting to note that the word Klewel is derived from two Breton words, “Klevet” and “Gwelet”, which mean “hear” and “see” respectively.



The Klewel product is based on the PAS (Presentation Acquisition System) technology developed by the Idiap Research Institute in Martigny, where Maël Guillemot, founder of Klewel, used to be based.


Support of The Ark Foundation

Klewel joined The Ark Incubator on the IdeArk site in Martigny in 2007. After drawing on the support of the Foundation for coaching, it left the Incubator at the end of the usual process, in early 2011. This young company is now standing on its own two feet, while remaining at IdeArk.

Date founded: 2007
Director: Maël Guillemot
Address: Rue Marconi 19, 1920 Martigny
Telephone: +41 (0)27 722 43 42
Website: www.klewel.com
E-mail: mael.guillemot [at] klewel.com
Number of employees: 4
Fondation The Ark - Rue de l'Industrie 23 - 1950 Sion - Suisse | Réservation de salles